/PRNewswire/ FiComm Partners ("FiComm"), a full-service Marketing and PR agency specializing in the independent wealth management space and scalable advisor.
/PRNewswire/ FiComm Partners ("FiComm"), a full-service Marketing and PR agency specializing in the independent wealth management space and scalable advisor.
FiComm Partners Announces Winners of Its Inaugural Podcast Awards
In partnership with InvestmentNews, the Awards recognize advisors having meaningful conversations and making a difference through podcast content
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LOS ANGELES and NEW YORK, May 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ FiComm Partners ( FiComm ), a full-service communication agency specializing in the wealth management and financial advice industry, along with media partner
InvestmentNews, announced the winners of its inaugural first-ever Advisor Podcast Awards. The Awards honored podcast excellence in three categories: The Client Happy Podcast, for approachable, client-centered podcasts; Walking the Walk: Diversity for podcasts demonstrating what diversity and inclusion really feels like; and Pitch Your Podcast, where advisors pitched their new podcast concepts that challenge the status quo.