conundrum. you re trying to, like, rest and prepare for, like, an event, right? but, at the same time, it s like the day before christmas and you re 5 years old, so you re like trying to balance those two things. so i actually took like advil p.m. last year. reporter: did you? just to go to bed. reporter: do it against because it worked! once these guys get rolling, they are going about 225 miles an hour! i got to ride with a living legend, mario andretti. only driver ever to win the indy 500 and daytona 500 and formula one world championship. little did i know i would be more scared than i ever had been my entire life. hi no idea what i was in for! going to be a bad hair day so you have to put your helmet on and all that. yeah, you ll hear some g-forces in the corners and go pretty fast. from there on, just enjoy the ride and just smile. reporter: woo hoo!