but put yourself either in their shoes or reince priebus s shoes. how would you make the cwì(lc% you don t make the cutoff. you cannot make the cutoff in the first debate given that the margin or the difference between the person at the bottom and the person at the top can arguably be somewhere between seven maybe eight points. depending on the poll. so you want to desize advice a system that allows everyone at least that first shot out of the box to be a part of the conversation. this is something we tried to do when he woo he changed the rules in 2010 for the 2012 race to allow more candidates who didn t have the cash to still be able to play. so i think the opportunity here is maybe you look at reinstruct touring outside of the traditional debate format and debate style where you get you know, 30 seconds for this and 20 seconds rebuttal and all that craziness. just have an open conversation to seriously because otherwise. it s going to look like. you re not going to cut c