The Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity’s world film tour came to Chico on Saturday. The film festival was held in Laxson Auditorium, and Adventure Outings teamed up with Banff Centre to host the tour. A total of eight short film documentaries were shown at the festival on Saturday, all focused on outdoor activities. The.
California State University Students for Quality Education, California Faculty Association representatives as well as CSU students spoke at the CSU Board of Trustees meeting on Sept. 12; the day prior to the board’s approval of the tuition raise. One such representative was Chico State Associated Students President Autumn Alaniz-Wiggins. The Cal State Student Association paid.
It wasn’t until they finally hit the rapids that he could get his mind off his soaking wetsuit and the 40-degree weather. For an hour, Chico State freshman Nathan Solecki stood in the freezing cold rain listening to the whitewater rafting guide’s instructions. Even as they began paddling downstream, his mind was occupied by the.
Adventure Outings successfully rallied as a community to urge the Associated Students Facilities Committee at Chico State to partially restore funding to the program. The Adventure Outings program was to be cut out of the proposed budget, originally released April 7. The proposed budget was adjusted and approved at the April 14 meeting. The board.