BOLSTERS MILLS The Bolsters Mills United Methodist Church (BMUMC) is making plans for the Advent Season. Sunday worship services begin at 9 a.m. Each week during worship will be lighting of the Advent Candles, live music by Tony Landsperg and David Seeley, a thoughtful message, and as always a delicious fellowship immediately following worship. […]
LIVERMORE FALLS December 4 service. God has given us another beautiful day to worship in His house! And, speaking of beautiful days, Saturday was a rainy, dismal day. However, inside the First Baptist Church, there was light, laughter, and joyous activity! Annie Anders and helpers arranged a “shopping day” for any children who were […]
Perhaps we need a Grinch or two to bring home the truth of Christmas. If so, we are lucky, for they are not in short supply.
Whether one favors Fox News or MSNBC, current events and national politics .