Jul 20, 2021
He is known on RFD-TV as the “Beast.” Cory Atley has emerged as a dominant name in high yield farming competitions. Atley is a multi-year state champion and has competed on the RFD-TV reality shows Corn Warriors and The Podfather. Atley will be the featured speaker for the Ross Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual meeting and banquet on August 19th.
Tickets are $12 per person. You can make reservations at the Ross Soil and Water Conservation District website www.rosscountyswcd.org or call 740-772-4110 extension 3. The RSVP deadline is August 12th.
Atley placed second on the most recent season of Corn Warriors and this summer is competing in the current season of The Podfather, a soybean yield competition. The shows air on the cable channel RFD-TV as well as Amazon Prime and other streaming outlets. Contestants try to outdo each other by harvesting the most crop.
Jul 20, 2021
He is known on RFD-TV as the “Beast.” Cory Atley has emerged as a dominant name in high yield farming competitions. Atley is a multi-year state champion and has competed on the RFD-TV reality shows Corn Warriors and The Podfather. Atley will be the featured speaker for the Ross Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual meeting and banquet on August 19th.
Tickets are $12 per person. You can make reservations at the Ross Soil and Water Conservation District website www.rosscountyswcd.org or call 740-772-4110 extension 3. The RSVP deadline is August 12th.
Atley placed second on the most recent season of Corn Warriors and this summer is competing in the current season of The Podfather, a soybean yield competition. The shows air on the cable channel RFD-TV as well as Amazon Prime and other streaming outlets. Contestants try to outdo each other by harvesting the most crop.
/PRNewswire/ The "Agriculture Inoculants Market - Forecasts from 2021 to 2026" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com s offering. The agriculture.
Farmers traditionally have gone gangbusters growing corn. Soybeans? Well, not so much. Cory Atley has harvested bumper corn yields in recent years. In fact, he’s won the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) corn yield contest for Ohio each of the past four years. He applies the strategy behind his corn yields – such as 2020’s conventional non-irrigated 320 bushels per acre – to soybeans. It’s not easy. “Growing 100-bushel [per acre] soybeans is a lot harder than growing 300-bushel [per acre] corn,” he says. “There are a lot more people to network with in corn, lots more styles and strategies than there are with beans. There is also a lot more trial and error – a lot more failures to get to the point where you want to be.”
Rootella X Mycorrhizal Inoculants Help Corn Warrior Cory Atley Achieve Record Yields
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MAZOR, Israel and CEDARVILLE, Ohio, Feb. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Groundwork BioAg, Ltd. and Advanced Yield LLC are pleased to announce collaboration to market Rootella
® mycorrhizal inoculants in the US. Cory Atley, award-winning corn grower and owner of Advanced Yield, has been using Rootella
® products on his 8,000-acre farm over the last three years. After achieving record yields with Rootella
® X-treated corn in 2020, Mr. Atley decided to add Rootella
® products to Advanced Yield s product portfolio.
Rootella X mycorrhizal inoculant - mycorrhiza