As we approach the new year, the challenge to provide affordable and sustainable electricity to the planet’s population remains a major challenge for polic..
The challenge in the power sector is not quite as straightforward as simply providing lower carbon power. We need to solve the energy trilemma of supplying more reliable, affordable, and sustainable power, says an expert.
The accelerated deployment of renewable and gas power together can enable substantive emissions reduction at scale now, while continuing to advance the technologies for low or near-zero carbon power generation.
The challenge in the power sector is not quite as straightforward as simply providing lower carbon power. We need to solve the energy trilemma of supplying more reliable, affordable, and sustainable power, says an expert.
The challenge in the power sector is not quite as straightforward as simply providing lower carbon power. We need to solve the energy trilemma of supplying more reliable, affordable, and sustainable power, says an expert.