happy? what would make your lab happy? another 50 livers a week. in the video attracted by dyer s success, daleiden s tissue buyers actually wanted to partner up with stemexpress. realistically if we were to do an agreement with you guys dyer touts her close relationship with planned parenthood. i mean, planned parenthood is volume institutionition right. she discusses the qualms felt by some of the reseahers who receive the tissue her company provides such as when they send a fetal skull. tell the lab it s coming so they don t open the box. [ laughing ] it s almost like they don t want to know where it comes from. where they re like we need limbs, but no hands and feet need to be attached. in a video released september 1, daleiden talks with perrin larton from advanced bioresources. the whole point is to not have a live birth. so the doctors have all