standards of excellence are out the window from the way we speak. i think of this moment as a moment that is about great momentum. .i think we all should take not. of the momentum sitting in these chairs in this moment to then continue with this moment and lead and not waste a minute because we don t have a minute to spare the zero standards about the way we. dress. blunt style o f futuristic look, they had all the songshere were just kind of feels right.b. and here s a whole fit.ime hopefully we are giving timeu aveler whap t is today an interesting topic. it s actually saggingea and how to use it, liker bagg the wear really baggy. i really recommend trying ev this out, really help improve an outfi t and don t even talk to me about the way we write. you at the point. sloppi but it s not just laziness or sloppiness at play here inan our schools and our corporate boardrooms and in politics. slowiticwhat s best about ameria is slowly being erased, nd diver replaced b
of low expectations and this racial radicalism has even reached otherwise. even sane schools in the south. texas a&m school of medicine remove photos of graduating seniors who are white males, which are the students that hadl pictures prominently displayed at the entrance of the school. this was done as an example of the universe that his commitment to die. of course, this is just ally ad dumbing down of americano and it s led by adultsw bette le who should know better. just as the left i cheatt s children by ignoring objectivelg measures of learning, so tooric me did the american media cheat the public when it ignoreds abou the obvious about joe biden. biden the twenty twenty campaig hav have you taken a cognitive? h no, i haven t taken a test. why the would i take a test? come on , man.? i am.n man. i am very willing to leterican p the american public judge