Contrary to widely held gender stereotypes, women are not more emotional than men, researchers say.
Feelings such as enthusiasm, nervousness or strength are often interpreted differently between the two genders. It's what being "emotional" means to men vs. women that is part of a new University o
Contrary to widely held gender stereotypes, women are not more emotional than men, researchers say. Feelings such as enthusiasm, nervousness or strength are often interpreted differently between the two genders. It’s what being “emotional” means to men vs. women that is part of a new study that dispels these biases.
Contrary to widely held gender stereotypes, women are not more emotional than men, researchers say. Feelings such as enthusiasm, nervousness or strength
Press release content from Business Wire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
James S. McDonnell Foundation Announces New 2020 Grants for The 21st Century Science Initiative Awards
February 1, 2021 GMT
The Officers and Directors of the James S. McDonnell Foundation today announced more than $6 million in grants in their ongoing program, the
21 st Century Science Initiative. Together with previously announced grants, the Foundation’s total 2020 commitment is more than $18.5M.
In 2020, JSMF inaugurated the
Opportunity Awards funding new research studying human behavior across the lifespan using more naturalistic designs and dynamic measures better to reflect our day-to-day behavior.