For exiles, Castro’s exit is just ‘more of the same’
20 Apr 2021 Outgoing First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP), Raul Castro, addresses the 8th Congress of the CCP at the Convention Palace in Havana, on Monday. Agence France-Presse
Adriana Brasileiro, Mario J. Pentón, and Andres Viglucci,
Tribune News Service
Enrique Yglesias left Cuba two years ago for a better life. From Uruguay, he trekked to Guyana, across the Amazonian jungle and Central America to Mexico and the US border, where he asked for asylum.
He just arrived in Cutler Bay in South Miami-Dade after his release from detention, so he hadn’t heard: Raul Castro is retiring from official power in Cuba at 89.
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Presented by Floridians for Affordable Rx
Hello and welcome to Monday.
The daily rundown Between Saturday and Sunday, the number of Florida coronavirus cases increased by 6,834 (0.3 percent), to 2,168,901; active hospitalizations increased by 71 (nearly 2.2. percent), to 3,324; deaths of Florida residents rose by 35 (0.1 percent), to 34,439; 8,016,441 Floridians have received at least one dose of a vaccine.
Sunburn â The morning read of whatâs hot in Florida politics â 3.15.21
Here s your AM rundown of people, politics and policy in the Sunshine State.
Imagine youâre in the Super Bowl, and you break free after recovering a fumble for an easy touchdown run. Youâre inches from the goal line and start celebrating a bit too early when a speedy wide receiver slaps the ball from your hand, causing another fumble and denying what should have been an easy score.
You know, like
Thereâs an analogy in here for Gov.
DeSantisâ continued COVID-19 response. Despite some early fumbles, Florida has fared comparatively well and, despite all of the partisan hating against him, heâs been right plenty of times.
Strum s exit from DeSantis World delayed More confusion over vaccine distribution Soto tags Schumer as flip-flopper on Puerto Rico Rubio, Scott no on relief bill
Presented by Ocean Conservancy
Hello and welcome to Monday.
The daily rundown Between Saturday and Thursday, the number of Florida coronavirus cases increased by 4,098 (0.2 percent), to 1,944,995; deaths went up by 63 (0.2 percent), to 31,683; Between Friday and Sunday, active hospitalizations fell by 121 (3.5 percent), to 3,298; 3,550,139 Floridians have had at least one dose of a vaccine.
Edging toward the exit Gov. Ron DeSantis’s top aide chief of staff Shane Strum isn’t leaving Tallahassee just yet.
A little longer Strum, who has been with the governor since the start of his administration in January 2019, was initially scheduled to take his new job as Broward Health CEO on Monday. But Strum’s departure has been delayed and he may not leave until the end of March, although word is that his exit
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Hello and welcome to Tuesday.
The daily rundown Between Sunday and Monday, the number of Florida coronavirus cases increased by 4,151 (0.2 percent), to 1,872,923; active hospitalizations increased by 15 (nearly 0.4 percent), to 4,175; deaths of Florida residents rose by 159 (0.5 percent), to 30,065; 2,698,591 Floridians have at least one dose of the vaccine.