take on it, that what i hear from democrats, which is, well we ve been passing a lot of bills in the house but they re not going anywhere in the senate, is going to satisfy some of those swing voters. what do you think? that is the answers. there s a lot of bills on mitch mcconnell sls desk. thismc time around, as adrian points out, unlike 2018, trump will be on the ballot and overshadow so much of it so that impeachment question you bring up isen important. more women favor it than men and women in general like fairness and that les plg hthe presidentd to get a leg up on this campaign through the ukrainians strikes them a wrong way. you can tro wait for an electio where one candidate is already cheating. but thecae issues that women c about, health care, in particular, trump is on the
more republicans. part of that means the republican party waking up saying women will help you get there. i was actually shocked, adrian, to hear this is the first republican super pac dedicated solely, solely, to getting republican women elected and they all, all the women i talked to, pointed to emily s list as sort of the first, the gold standard, but they talked about all the different democratic organizations that kind of came together. i mean, would it be fair to say on the democratic side, because we did see in 2018 the year of the woman, but a lot was fueled by these groups that were started by the grassroots, not by the party? you re exactly right. first of all, i love your foc groups that you do with women because i think they re so telling about where the state of both democrats and republicans are when it comes to women these days. you re exactly heright. there are groups like she should run, run for something, there s
comes through is one, that folks did not know him and once they learn more about him. the more they were open to hearing more about him and the key thing in that memo was the people who were most opened to hearing more about him and looking at him more favorably were older african-american women. you need to know in south carolina but also among african-american, older african-americans women are the backbones of the party, they are the ones that come out and vote. if mayor pete can reach out in black women in general in particular he can stand a chance. vice president biden is in the race. as long as he s in the race, everyone is going to struggle with the african-american vote. adrian pointed out he s going to be going to south carolina and north carolina and having said that if he can t pick up more significance support from
wrong side and republicans are on thesi wrong side of. they tried to kill obamacare and they kipretend to be for coveri preexisting conditions, but they are not. so that s the strongest issue these women have. they alsoe have an issue, whic is, how do you want government to be? you know, all these stories about how our thanksgiving dinners are going to be ruined by the how divided we are. adrian and susan wrote about that. did you read it? they wrote about that thing. yeah. it s due to donald trump. i have a sign on my refrigerator which says, no discussing donald trump until after dessert or put a dollar in the tip jar and i m very rich now as a result. i m happy to hear that. can i give them each 15 seconds, i don t know how much time i have left, toco give your tips r today? susan, i ll startor with you. getsa people to talk about themselves. go to their facebook page, find out what they ve been doing and
ask themhe questions. people love to talk about themselves. adrian? talk about sports. don t talk about politics. talk about shopping. anything else other than politics and drink a lot of wine. well, i don t know, the wine thing, because it sometimes gets people talking. adrian and margaret and susan, i loved having you on this thanksgiving. y thank you so much. thank you. another liveu lookuc now at macy s thanksgiving day parade in new york city. the balloons still flying. despite some concerns about the wind.on they aren t dwight as high. look atey that this year. much more news ahead here on msnbc. ws ahead here on nbmsc. sundown vitamins are all