Your level of corruption stinks to the highest- Kalonzo tells DP Ruto
Nairobi, January 18, 2021
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press!
My attention has been drawn to spurious allegations by Deputy President William Ruto concerning the ownership of my Yatta Farm. Addressing a rally in Bomet on Friday, DP Ruto made a frivolous and unsubstantiated claim to the effect that I grabbed government land in Yatta. The wild claims hold no water. The allegations are a cheap and a desperate attempt at character assassination. I uphold the highest moral and ethical standards in all my affairs. I have nothing to hide and I today challenge the authorities to open an investigation into this matter. I am today presenting myself for a thorough investigation by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation as well as the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. I want the matter settled once and for all. Indeed, this is the time to separate the truth