The program and i talked to him and said this is how it works and he said whats the biggest barrier . I said we have trouble making people understand how to better treat their clients. Im a huge fan and knowing what we need to do is to make sure those people that need help get the help they want. Our clients are offered treatment and across the board every Single Person arrested for that are offered services an they all get help. Everyone of them gets help. And my outcomes show that they benefit from that. Thank you. [ applause ] you were a substance treatment expert for the medical center. I understand there is some promising new treatments about alcohol that maybe on the horizon. Tell us about that. As far as treatment for alcoholism, the first things to consider is how somebody gets into treatment in the first place. There is 4 ls, liver, livelihood, lover or the law. Those 4 things. Liver, livelihood, lover and law. Within those ls is when somebody shows up in my door, someone suff
And knowing what we need to do is to make sure those people that need help get the help they want. Our clients are offered treatment and across the board every Single Person arrested for that are offered services an they all get help. Everyone of them gets help. And my outcomes show that they benefit from that. Thank you. [ applause ] you were a substance treatment expert for the medical center. I understand there is some promising new treatments about alcohol that maybe on the horizon. Tell us about that. As far as treatment for alcoholism, the first things to consider is how somebody gets into treatment in the first place. There is 4 ls, liver, livelihood, lover or the law. Those 4 things. Liver, livelihood, lover and law. Within those ls is when somebody shows up in my door, someone suffering, a Family Member suffering who brings somebody in. When it company ms to treat we know there is different types of treatment, there is Evidence Base treatment. There is good evidence for it, we
They want. Our clients are offered treatment and across the board every Single Person arrested for that are offered services an they all get help. Everyone of them gets help. And my outcomes show that they benefit from that. Thank you. [ applause ] you were a substance treatment expert for the medical center. I understand there is some promising new treatments about alcohol that maybe on the horizon. Tell us about that. As far as treatment for alcoholism, the first things to consider is how somebody gets into treatment in the first place. There is 4 ls, liver, livelihood, lover or the law. Those 4 things. Liver, livelihood, lover and law. Within those ls is when somebody shows up in my door, someone suffering, a Family Member suffering who brings somebody in. When it company ms to treat we know there is different types of treatment, there is Evidence Base treatment. There is good evidence for it, we do it. There is evidence free treatment, there is no evidence whatsoever and there is e
The poison doesnt go in their mouth. They get clean clothes. Yeah, we didnt have the programs and services we have now, you go see them when you are putting more serious criminals in jail for real criminal violations versus these are just Holding Periods to get the person a break if you will from harming themselves to get to a point where they could select some of the options that are here up on the table. We are not talking about moss months and years. It takes literally an act of god to get a conservatorship on someone. It does not happen in San Francisco. There are people in San Francisco that desperately need to be in conservatorship. We dont do it here in San Francisco, but we should. Its the kind and compassionate thing to do for some people that are at that state of crisis where they can harm themselves or someone elses. I dont think there is people in support of the death penalty, but thats the penalty you are sending these folks to. Thank you. [ applause ]. The panelist have r
And knowing what we need to do is to make sure those people that need help get the help they want. Our clients are offered treatment and across the board every Single Person arrested for that are offered services an they all get help. Everyone of them gets help. And my outcomes show that they benefit from that. Thank you. [ applause ] you were a substance treatment expert for the medical center. I understand there is some promising new treatments about alcohol that maybe on the horizon. Tell us about that. As far as treatment for alcoholism, the first things to consider is how somebody gets into treatment in the first place. There is 4 ls, liver, livelihood, lover or the law. Those 4 things. Liver, livelihood, lover and law. Within those ls is when somebody shows up in my door, someone suffering, a Family Member suffering who brings somebody in. When it company ms to treat we know there is different types of treatment, there is Evidence Base treatment. There is good evidence for it, we