will [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] we will look at this in terms of foreign policy and military equipment as well. i would say that the strategic security review, the whole pred indication of predication of it was that we should be able to go anywhere in the world with special focus on things like transport. if there are further lessons to learn, we should learn them. as we look at japan and watch their horror unfold it is not just earthquakes and tsunami that can threaten a nuclear reactor. does the prime minister agree that what happened here will have consequences for the nuclear power in the u.k.? we want to join the gentle lady in sending our condolences to japan. we must learn everything we can learn, and that s why we are looking at this issue. the stations we have in britain are a different type to those in japan. we are not planning to build any like those. we are not in an earthquake zone or a zone subject to tsunamis. but of cou
targets. you ve heard from scotland yard. they are keeping an open mind. the prime minister will want to hear all of the latest information, the best possible intelligence that will allow her to make the necessary decisions going forward from here. so on one hand, how did this happen, who did it and why but, of course, to what extent has the threat itself been contained. we heard from the commander b.j. harrington of the london metropolitan police. they are treating this as a terror event. theresa may was evacuated from parliament when the incident occurred approaching 2 1/2 hours or so ago. on the line we have a member of parliament, adrian bailey. thanks for joining us you say as she was escorted and you were an eyewitness? that s correct.