The proud the Marines. 60 the Patriot. Citizen of Salem media group on line onto our radio you have to let us the. Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com I m Rhonda Rogers the United States is attacked a Syria air base with roughly 60 cruise missiles in response to a chemical weapons attack Tuesday that killed 80 people in northern Syria that the United States is blaming on President Bashar Assad David Shaker s a Mideast expert at the Washington is to toot for Near East Policy and a former top Pentagon official in Syria and says President Trump previously stated he wasn t focusing on removing Assad from office but that was before the chemical attack I think the president was really increasing the funded through days after they made that announcement that the our fighters he went out and ordered all these innocents with chemical weapons the chemical weapons. Had to be to purportedly been disposed of by the Obama administration the Senate has cleared the way for the confirmation