Whether it’s the iconic colour blocks from Saint Laurent’s Piet Mondrian-inspired sack dress from the ‘60s that entice you or the newer stacking and layering technique that catches your eye, colour blocking is a fashion trick that encourages the wearer to get creative with colours and push boundaries with them. One can replicate the trend in several different ways and it is
As far as her professional trajectory goes, Mou has been in the limelight mostly during the ‘90s, especially for her modelling career. With her poise and charm, she was able to capture the hearts of millions and dominate the television screens of Bangladesh for over two decades.
Styling is all about channelling your inner spirit and letting it guide you; that’s a welcome message in 2023! Designers everywhere would agree wholeheartedly as they seem to be inspired by the past and we are here for it. Fashion experts are predicting that retro vibes are hot and going away they are not!
The world of fashion and self-expression is a fascinating realm that features various accessories, each with its unique ability to enhance one's appearance. Among these, nose pins have emerged as a prominent accessory, adorning features and leaving a lasting impression. However, the trend of wearing nose pins is not a recent phenomenon.
Kaftans have been the symbol of bohemian fashion. This baggy garment with no defined sleeves has truly stood the test of time and geography. Seen on the royal courts of the Ottoman Empire, kaftans transcended borders reaching Africa, Russia, and even Europe.