i m sorry. eric, i have to ask you, you are a father. if you had walked into the beach house and you had seen the drinking going on, obviously kids were on top of tables,and there were plat tick cups out. how would you have handled this? here is the difference andha i ll be honest with you, they re college age kids and allegedly beer is in cups. i definitely wouldn t havelege called the cops. i wouldn t have done it. but i m not maryland attorney general top cop and running for governor. those are th ae reasons why you make a different decision, not as a father, as a guy who wants to be governor of the state. this guy has proven himself,wh he s incapable ofo that job. juan, he has come out and said this was a mistake. i shouldn t have done that. do you think this is somethings voters should look at and say s this is water under the bridge,t and not hold him responsible or a bad judgment call? bad judgment. i m admiring eric cause i thought eric told you the truthe
this activism than offense? active. activists coming and yelling and picketing? to me, they got to have something to be angry about. this is foreshadowing because sm they don t have an actual offense. but i will say the only time i ve heard about this before is there was some frat boys dressing up as pimps and hookers and people thought it went a little over the line with the black stuff. right. and it was caricaturing black people. i thought, well, it s a little insensitive. but i don t think it s anything to put a warning out about. i don t know. that s the way i feel. but maybe t an students can be idiots. that s why you re in college, tn be an idiot. i was an idiot for almost tower years. no memory of it, eric. at all. this segment is over. isn t halloween now an excuse