Keep Roswell Beautiful Board of Directors, Noon, Large Conference Room, City Hall, 425 N. Richardson Ave. The public is asked to participate online or by phone. Weblink: Phone: 786-535-3211. Access code: 982-972-909.
Roswell City Council Infrastructure Committee, 4 p.m., Meeting Room A, Roswell Convention & Civic Center, 912 N. Main St. The public is encouraged to participate online or by phone. Weblink: Phone: 571-317-3122. Access code: 929-161-493.
Roswell Museum and Art Center Board of Trustees remote meeting, 4 p.m. Weblink: Phone: 571-317-3122. Access code: 778-980-573.
Dexter Consolidated School District Board of Education, 6 p.m., Board Room, Central Office, 100 N. Lincoln Ave.
Chaves Soil and Water Conservation District online meeting,10 a.m. Contact 575-208-3309 for information on how to participate.
City of Roswell Parks and Recreation Commission, 5:30 p.m. Weblink: Phone: 571-317-3112. Access code: 349-450-125.
Sidney Gutierrez Schools Governing Council, 6 p.m. Contact the school at 575-347-9703 about how to participate.
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Pecos Valley Artesian Conservancy District Board of Directors, 9 a.m., District Office, Suite 100, 2303 E. Second St. For alternative ways to participate, call 575-622-7000 as soon as possible.