Theks the hush falls over the hush falls over the room. We will start. Our guest today is douglas Congressional Budget Office director. This is his fifth visit to our room. Of the cbo inctor january, two thousand nine and brings an impressive background assignments. His master masters and doctorate in economics are from harvard. Our guest taught at harvard, and was on the staff of the council of economic advisers and the Federal Reserve board and served as the assistant deputy treasury secretary for policy. He was senior fellow in the Economic Studies Program it at bookings. Ritual recitation of mechanical details, as always, we are on the record. Please, no live blogging or tweeting or other means of filing while the breakfast is underway. There is no embargo with the session and, except that our friends at cspan have agreed not to air video of this session until one hour after the breakfast is over to give reporters in the room a chance to file. Finally, if you would like to ask a qu
Classes. One tiny bit of important housekeeping, the county is now under a level to snow emergency. Drive home carefully. You have a lot to talk about but drive carefully. This debate will be archived at debatelive. Org. It will be at that site for several days. You can encourage friends and family to watch. Nye ando much to mr. Mr. Ham. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] the debate continues on our facebook page. One comment the rights another says you can join the conversation too at facebook. Com cspan. The beauty of america is that in this country, we have the ability to write the script of our own life. We are in a sense in the driving seat of our own future. Our biggest decisions in life are made by us. Creates the sense of possibility. Out of that, you can become an activist, a community organizer. What are you doing . You are living off the great capitalist explosion of wealth that you didn
America bbc america. The deal would allow bbc America World wide to keep control of the channel while cutting overhead. Bbc america is available in 80 million u. S. Households and airs shows like the musketeers. Todayr shares soared 20 following a strong earnings report, its biggest daily gain since the day after its ipo. To the says changes made service are working. He says revenue rose mostly because users spent more time on twitter, and the audience for tweets beyond twitter itself is more than twice its active user base. And Edward Snowden temporary asylum in russia is set to expire tomorrow. He has requested an extension. Coming up at the bottom of the hour, an indepth look at how snowdens revelations about federal government spying have impacted business, government, and your privacy rights. First, to our lead story of the day. Amazon make its objectives public in its dispute with a book group over ebook prices. It has been going on since may. Is to lowerctive ebook prices. Amazo
Questions are two journalists. First question. We would like to talk first about the Affordable Care act implementation. There are no shortage of predictions that it may fall. When the Medicaid Expansion starts next january. From your perspective and that of the ama, what is the Obama Administration doing on implementation and what is it doing wrong . That is a very important question. Clearly, there are many elements of the Affordable Care act already in play that are working quite well. That is what is so important to us. Clearly, we have to work through many of the initiatives. You mentioned the exchanges, how theyre going to run. A lot of that is in play right now. Were waiting to hear what will happen with those. We will be able to inform our patients as to what we expect from these exchanges, how to be enrolled, what they can expect to move forward. There is work underway. It is very meaningful. Clearly, we need to continue with transparency, communication, making this available
Association. Then the Global Initiative meeting in chicago with a panel looking at how shared values and communities can help drive the u. S. Economy. Then a look at this years holiday prize winning photo from war zones and photographers to capture the images. The images. Red joining us this week on. Newsmakers is dr. Ardis hoven here in the studios to question two journalists. First question. We would like to talk first about the Affordable Care act implementation. There are nor should no shortage of predictions that it may fall. Medicaid expansion starts next january. From your perspective and that of the ama, what is the Obama Administration doing on implementation and what is it doing wrong . A very important question. Clearly, there are many elements of the Affordable Care act already in play that are working quite well. That is what is so important to us. Clearly, we have to work through many of the initiatives. You mentioned the exchanges, how theyre going to run. A lot of that