Vote the presiding officer have all senators voted . Any senator wish to change their vote . On this vote the yeas are 95. The nays are 2. Twothirds of the senators voting having voted in the affirmative the resolution of the ratification is agreed to. The majority leader of the senate. Mr. Mcconnell the senate is not in order. The presiding officer the majority leader of the senate. Mr. Mcconnell the democratic leader and i want to take a few minutes here to point out to everyone that our colleague, the senior senator from vermont, just cast a truly historic vote. Of course the tax treaties are significant, but im talking about the fact that senator leahy just cast his 16,000th vote of his senate career. We know of no single statistic that can begin to capture such tenure, but this figure comes close. 16,000 votes cast for his constituents. With numbers like that, senator leahy has already left towering figures like our late colleagues ted stevens and ted kennedy in the dust. Now hes
Subcommittee leaders say that is just one example. The subcommittee will come to order. Without objection the chair has authorized to declare a recess of the committee at any time. The subcommittee is convening a hearing on the document production efforts on the office of personnel management, the federal bureau of investigation and the General Services administration in response to various committees and subcommittee document request. I now recognize myself for an opening statement. I want to thank the witnesses for being here although i know there could be more comfortable hearings to attend. I regret we need to have this hearing. We are here because opm, the fbi has not substantially complied with the committees request for documents from several months ago. We will witness the stunning lack of cooperation across the administration in response to multiple congressional investigations. For this committee to inform its important constitutional oversight mission, we must have documents
Why pay more to wait longer for worse care . Instead lets give patients the care that they need from a doctor they choose at lower costs. Mr. President , that is our goal. That is our objective. And that is what we are going to accomplish. Thank you, mr. President. I yield the floor. Mr. Durbin mr. President. The presiding officer the democratic whip. Mr. Durbin i ask consent the quorum call be suspended. The presiding officer were not in a quorum call. Mr. Durbin thank you, mr. President. I ask consent to be recognized as if in morning business. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Durbin just a few minutes ago, i had a visit to my office of four young people from the state of illinois. They were of a variety of different ages, from 10 years of age to the age of 17. They all came because they had a similar life experience, and they wanted to share it with me. Each one of them have been diagnosed with type one diabetes. And little owen, 10yearold owen from deerfield, told a sto
Chairman krishnamoorthi thank you everybody. We are going to commence the second panel with our two panelists, matthew myers, president of campaign for tobacco free kids, and ashley ould. Chief executive officer of juul labs. Please raise your right hand. I will begin by certain human. Do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give truthtruth, the and nothing but the truth so help you god . Thank you. Let the record show that the witnesses both answered in the affirmative. Please be seated. I am informed that votes are about to be called on the main house floor. We try to complete our Opening Statements and then we will go as long as we can until the votes are called, then we will return and resume. Without objection, both mr. Myers and ms. Goulds statements will be made part of the record. With that, mr. Myers, you are recognized. Before i begin, i would like to tell you about the lighting system. I mentioned this i4, there is a lighting system in front of you. The gr
The Trump Administration is refusing to provide documents and other in formation to some health committees. The House Oversight subcommittee has requested information about plans to move the s headquarters out of washington dc. Subcommittee leaders say that is just one example. The subcommittee will come to order. Without objection the chair has authorized to declare a recess of the committee at any time. The subcommittee is convening a hearing on the document production efforts on the office of personnel management, the federal bureau of investigation and the General Services administration in response to various committees and subcommittee document request. I now recognize myself for an opening statement. I want to thank the witnesses for being here although i know there could be more comfortable hearings to attend. I regret we need to have this hearing. We are here because opm, the fbi has not substantially complied with the committees request for documents from several months ago.