Tamil superstar Rajinikanth is presently busy with the production of the upcoming actioner, Jailor. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, the film has music by Anirudh Ravichander, and it is one of the highly anticipated movies of Kollywood. While we wait get Rajinified with this upcoming movie, updates about his next films are also making the rounds on social media.
Actor Prakash Raj on Wednesday arrived at a polling booth in Sr Josephs school in Bengalurus Shanti Nagar. He met the press after casting the vote, urging people to vote wisely. He also said he was there because we need Karnataka to be beautiful.
Karikalans scenes with Vikram Prabhu, Kadambur Maaligai Entry Sequence, Siblings Meet, Nandinis Faceoff are just getting tremendous applause at the theatres. On an overall the screenplay is too good and engage the audience till the end.