Aadhaar can also be used for money transactions as every Indian's bank account is linked with their Aadhaar card. But since online scams are increasing these days, many people are also worried about the misuse of Aadhaar.
Users can send an SMS to 567678 or 56161 by typing UIDPAN < 12 digit Aadhaar number> < 10 digit Permanent Account Number> for this. If the linking is complete, it will show, "Aadhaar is already associated with PAN.
According to the notification issued by the Revenue Department, it is mandatory to link your Aadhaar card with your bank. You can link your bank with Aadhaar, both online and offline. If you want to link Aadhaar with your bank account online, then you must have internet banking active for that bank.
From availing benefits of government schemes to opening bank accounts and getting benefits from many other services, the Aadhaar card has become very important. Aadhaar card is also being used for verification at many places. There is also an apprehension that the Aadhaar biometric can also be misused. Keeping this in mind, UIDAI has provided us the facility to lock or unlock the biometric present in the Aadhaar card.
Many times, the photo printed on Aadhaar are not recognizable with the Aadhaarcard holders. Unique Identification Authority of India, i.e., UIDAI, allows Aadhaar cardholders to update the photo. However, you need to submit the request online and then visit the nearest Aadhaar Enrolment Centre and follow these simple steps.