The Revere Traffic Commission held a meeting last Thursday, February 16, in the City Council Chamber. Chairperson Paul Argenzio, who is the Supt. of the Revere DPW, and fellow commissioners Police Chief David Callahan, City Planner Frank Stringi, City Engineer Nick Restroom, and Fire Chief Chris Bright were in attendance. The principal business before the commission
The Revere Traffic Commission unanimously voted to end a 60-day trial period for Sigourney Rd. and Derby St. that had converted those streets temporarily into one-way roadways in order to give some relief to the residents of Derby and Sigourney from the high volume of traffic that traverses through their neighborhood between Malden St. and
The proof of Newton’s Third Law of Motion for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction has become evident over the past month to the residents of the neighborhood bounded by Squire Rd. and Malden St. who packed the City Council Chamber last Thursday evening for a public hearing of the