Concerns about Adelaide train privatisation ahead of Keolis Downer takeover on January 31
SunSunday 17
SunSunday 17
Keolis Downer will run the trains but they will remain in public ownership.
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South Australia s Opposition says private transport company Keolis Downer still has not attracted enough staff from the public service to run Adelaide s train network.
Key points:
It has not been able to recruit enough staff to run the system
The Premier says Labor is fearmongering about the switchover
The shortfall in numbers will be made up temporarily from train drivers currently working for Adelaide Metro, as well as other public sector workers.
Rail, Tram and Bus Union
Adelaide Metro rail workers are furious after Rail Commissioner Tony-Braxton-Smith decided to close the South Australian Government’s offer of a transfer payment (for workers to switch to the new operator) one month early.
The South Australian Government previously committed in writing to providing workers with a $15,000 transfer payment up until 31 January 2021. Mr Braxton-Smith reiterated that commitment in a letter to the RTBU as recently as Monday of this week.
In an email to workers yesterday, however, Mr Braxton-Smith has told Rail Commissioner employees they now have until December 31 to accept offers or they will no longer receive their promised $15,000 transfer payment, and “will need to follow the same process as any new external job applicant.”
Date Time
CBA collaborates with Queensland Government to offer contactless payments to Gold Coast commuters
From today onwards, Commonwealth Bank will activate payment technology across the Gold Coast Light Rail (G:link) network to enable local commuters to pay with any MasterCard or Amex debit or credit card, including smartphones and wearables, as well as cash or the traditional go card.
CBA’s payment technology enables new G:link card readers as payment acceptance devices to seamlessly link contactless payments with the relevant payment scheme network (for example MasterCard), while also clearing and settling the contactless payment, regardless of the card or device used. This puts the Gold Coast in the select few global cities around the world that offer this commuter experience.