destruct identify. higher energy costs will do that. but if they wanted to make america poorer, just say so. something like in the name of our pristine environment we will live in caves and freeze in the dark. not a catchy slogan but peeling a i peeling to some environmentalists. there is one part of the video i really liked. if i wanted america to fail for every concern, for every crisis i, like shutting down entire industries and killing tens of thousands of jobs for saving spotted owls. john: but the regulators constantly create crisis, overhead power lines will give you cancer, so will ddt, breast plants, nutri sweet and all
you cancer, so will ddt, breast plants, nutri sweet and all those is media scares i was asked to cover during abc career. and lawn chemicals and all its crisis and all that is required giving more money and more power to government. the so spotted owl story hits home to me because my first tv job was in oregon. i know some of the loggers that lost their job because the owl had to be protected. this year, the ap reports despite all the logging restrictions, despite the 30,000 jobs lost, the number of spotted owls continued to fall. now, they say obama administration plans to shoot barrel owls, rival birds that crowd out the spot owl and what about 30,000 humans that lost their jobs? no, not much.
row. 3.88 is the national average. what if, and it s likely, prices hit $5 a gallon. they put this question to their business roundtable. these are the economic effect of $5 gasoline. unemployment would go back up above 9 percent. ddt would go up 1 and a half percent. many stores wouldn t do so well. harley davidson, they wouldn t do well and the boating industry would get crunched. not only do you need fuel to run the boat, you knead fuel to get to the boat. it effects everything across the board. the trickle down effect. the next thing is the buffet rule. warren buffet said to tax millionaires. the joint committee on taxation
no kidding. he s incredible. something else, can we please get an answer to this question do the cell phones that we re all using cause cancer? they went ahead and asked 31 scientists in 14 countries that question. yeah, and the world health organization now says maybe. they say possibly could cause cancer. with the same report, they also said that chloroform could cause cancer, engine exhaust fumes could possibly cause cancer. ddt. interesting, the score that they gave cell phones is exactly the same score they gave pickled vegetables and also coffee, so if you re drinking coffee right now, it has the same score as a carcinogen as your cell phone. if you look at that list that we just had up, can we put that back up for a second. the bottom three on that list, chloroform and what was the third one? gasoline. those three kill you, ok?
the president declared a state of emergency. i will see you again at 1:00 p.m. eastern. i am jamie colby, thanks for keeping it on fox. you think that gasoline is high? just wait for the summer time. that s when the epa requires the reformulated gas in order to reduce car emissions and it will drive gas prices higher than they are now. even if oil prices trend lower and mike, you say that is why we should scrap the epa rule for good. the epa should be abolished. they will drive it 30 or 40 cents higher for the two additives. nteb and ethanoyl. it causes it to go higher. you saw the rule and the entire epa. yes, they banned and ddt