Srinagar, June 16: The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) Srinagar on Friday produced the Chargesheet against the two retired officials of Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Soura before the court of Additional Special Judge Anti-Corruption Kashmir in corruption case. The EOW (formerly known as Crime Branch Kashmir) in the Case FIR No. 08/2019 u/S 418,
SRINAGAR: Crime Branch Kashmir on Friday filed a charge sheet against the former director and former administrative officer of Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences(SKIMS) for illegal and fraudulent selection of a professor of oncology at SKIMS Soura.
Srinagar: The Economic Offences Wing, Srinagar (Crime Branch Kashmir) on Friday produced a chargesheet against former Director and Administrative Officer, SKIMS, Soura. CBK produced a chargesheet in a case under FIR number 08/2019 under section 418, 420, 466, 511 RPC r/w Section 5(2) PC Act of Police Station Crime Branch Kashmir against Mohammad Shafi Malla [the then Administrative Officer (Policy)