Hard working volunteers made sure everybody was fed a delicious christmas dinner. We received such joy to share. And to be able to be here. And who are in need or alone. However she says people of all walks of life come to sit, eat and enjoy. We have strangers sitting together with each other. And we have strangers volunteering side by side with each other. And it does not matter the age or the parish or anything, theyre here for a purpose. Like the sant an afamily from costa rica that say its power than just a dinner its a reunion long in the making. For my family this is first time here altogether. Ill visits with as many as i can and dressed like this the kids think im santa and that adds a special note to it. Technically come and gone the archbishop donald whirl says the spirit of christmas should be remembered all yearlong. Christmas is all about god loving us and asking us love one another and imagine what this world would be like and imagine inwhat the city would be like if the
See interior and exterior images of the Helena Montana Temple, which will be dedicated 27 months after it was announced and less than 2 years after start of construction
05:00, 08.07.21
8 июля - 189-й день года по Григорианскому календарю. До конца года остается 176 дней. В XX и XXI веках этот день соответствует 25 июня Юлианского календаря.
День семьи в Украине / ru.depositphotos.com
Читайте такжеКалендарь праздников на июль 2021: перечень знаменательных событийВ Украине - День семьи, в США - День видеоигр, День шоколада с миндалем, День математики 2.0, День фруктового льда, День Наслаждайся юмором, отбрось драму , в Таджикистане - День инвалидов и пожилых людей, в Мексике - День деревьев, в Норвегии - Праздник святой Суннив�