warning. he says facebook is not just bad for our brains and kids brains, he says it s a danger for our democracy. roger mcnamee was part of facebook s most crucial decisions including encouraging zuckerberg not to sell the company in 2007 and encouraging sheryl sandberg to join the company. he no longer advises facebook but still owns shares. mcnamee says facebook s rapid success led to overconfidence and unwillingness to face up to the risks the company presents. so he says it s time to break up the company and limit its influence. he writes, they have taken add vanta advantage of our trust using sophisticated techniques to prey on human psychology, to gather and exploit private data and craft business models that do not protect users from harm. facebook founder mark zuckerberg defended his company s use of data and advertising when he went in front of congress last year. although, to be clear, we don t offer an option today for people to pay to not show ads, we think offering a