Компания Panda Security, входящая в состав компании WatchGuard, выпустила новый релиз XII своей облачной консоли централизованного управления Aether для корпоративных решений Panda Endpoint Protection [Plus] и Panda Adaptive Defense [360], обеспечивающих информационную безопасность рабочих станций, ноутбуков, серверов и мобильных устройств
Investegate announcements from WatchGuard Technologies, Inc, WatchGuard unveils new endpoint security product family within WatchGuard Cloud, just one year after Panda acquisition
WatchGuard unveils endpoint security product family within WatchGuard Cloud Wednesday 2 June 2021 | 16:46 CET | News WatchGuard Technologies has integrated the WatchGuard Endpoint Security product family, previously known as Panda Adaptive Defense 360, Adaptive Defense, Endpoint Protection Plus and Endpoint Protection, into WatchGuard Cloud. As a result, partners and customers can now deploy and manage endpoint security, network security and MFA services via WatchGuard Cloud, enabling them to streamline security delivery, simplify operations, consolidate vendors, and bolster business growth and profitability.
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