occasionally these kinds of major events. it really points to an issue we ve been addressing at the department of energy recently, which is the whole issue of energy infrastructure, pipelines, wires, you know, transmission grids. we have a lot of old infrastructure, a lot of investment made in the 60s and 70s, we re talking 40, 50 years old, and our theme right now, and i know climate change has been on your mind as well. our theme right now is that we have to really be investing to rebuild our infrastructure, we have to rebuild it now in a way that really makes sense for the challenges ahead. one of those challenges is the kinds of extreme weather that we have been seeing, we expect to see more of, and we need to have all of our infrastructure more resilient to a whole set of risks. that s not even on the mitigation, that s on the adaptation side, that s not
infrastructure more resilient to a whole set of risks. that s not even on the mitigation that s on the adaptation side that s not dealing with fewer emissions, that s just recognizing reality that we re going to have more extreme weather? well extreme weather obviously, it s on the risk side, but i should emphasize that modernizing the infrastructure applies in both dimensions. right. mitigation and adaptation. modernizing the electric grid will provide opportunities for new renewables to come in. that s the mitigation side then, of course, comes the resilience to extreme weather, but also cyber threats and other kinds of risks. you know i was looking at the portfolio, at the department of energy and two thirds of it is about the nation s nuclear arsenal, right? you are the person who overseas and, you know it just occurs to me in some ways it s