Adani Green Energy share price: On BSE, around 8.23 lakh shares were last seen changing hands today. The figure was way more than the two-week average volume of 1.58 lakh shares. Turnover on the counter came at Rs 92.13 crore. At this price, the company commanded a market capitalisation (m-cap) of Rs 1,78,203.65 crore.
Adani stocks: IHC did not disclose the buyer's name but said the move is a part of its overall portfolio rebalancing strategy. The two Adani group stocks have seen massive erosion in value in the last one year.
Adani Green Energy shares reclaimed the Rs 1,000 level, rising 2.45 per cent to hit a high of Rs 1,008 on BSE. This stock had settled lower in the previous three sessions.
Adani Group said its portfolio companies diligently focused on bolstering their financial standing, ensuring a robust foundation for their ambitious projects, the release added.
Adani Green Energy: Infinite Trade and Investment, a promoter entity, was seen offloading 4,48,82,500 shares at Rs 920.43 apiece, amounting to Rs 4,131.11 crore.