They shot 25,000 feet of film about 5 1 2 hours. They returned to the United States in september of 1915 and in november released a 108minute feature film on the firing line with the german. The film received positive reviews and screened widely in the United States despite the fact that it presented a favorable view of the germans. Up next learn about how the once lost film was rediscovered by the library of congress and then watch the film with commentary by two scholars. This program is about two hours. I at the moment am retired but i used to work at the library of congress. And while i was here among the fascinating things i found buried in the vaults, and theres a lot of stuff buried in the vaults here, is this film, on the firing line with the germans. And i looked at it and thought it was a fascinating bit of lost American History including the high mark maybe of the german army especially on the Eastern Front in 1915 as well as other stuff because it reflects very interestingl
In september of 1915 and in november released a 108 minute feature film, on the firing line with the germans. The film received positive reviews and filmed widely in the United States despite the fact it presented a favorable view of the germans. Up next learn about how the once lost film was rediscovered and restored by the library of congress. And then watch the commentary film by two scholars who helped reablaen the jigsaw of fragments. This movie is about two hours. My name is corporate graham. I at the moment am retired but i used to work at the library of congress. And while i was here among the fascinating things i found buried in the vaults, and theres a lot of stuff buried in the vaults here, is this film, on the firing line with the germans. And i looked at it and thought it was a fascinating bit of lost American History including the high mark maybe of the german army especially on the Eastern Front in 1915 as well as other stuff because it reflects very interestingly whats