Letter: Time for fossil fuel industry to shut down, pay up and move out
to the editor
FILE. Letter writer says, It is time for the fossil fuel industry to shut down, pay up and move out of New York. (Will Waldron/Times Union)Will Waldron/Albany Times Union
There is absolutely no role for natural gas in New York’s renewable energy future. We need to make polluters pay for their assault on our public health, not continue to aid and abet their crime against humanity by letting them expand fossil fuel infrastructure.
New York state needs to follow through with the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The act does not include the expansion of fossil fuel plants between now and 2040; it states that we need to phase them out. We need to deny all new proposals for fossil fuel infrastructure like the Danskammer plant in Newburgh and begin shutting down all existing fossil fuel power plants. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said it himself in this year’s state of t