Not talk a lot about race. I said because i am a neurosurgeon. And [applause] so i thought that was pretty strange. I said, when i take some into the operating room and get this guy up and pull it down and take off the bones and open, im operating on the thing that makes that person who they are. The cover does not make them who they are. When are we going to understand that . [applause] surgeon and author dr. Ben carson takes your calls, emails, facebook comments, and tweets theories three hours live sunday at noon eastern on book tv on cspan2. On july 19th book tv attended the 20th annual Eagle Forum Collegians Leadership Summit from the Heritage Foundation in washington d. C. For the next five hours, we bring you several of their presentations from that event. Our coverage includes talks from james antle, benjamin wiker, greg autry, jerome corsi, m. Stanton evans, Hans Von Spakovsky, stanley kurtz, william federer, and Ryan Anderson. We start with james antle, author of devouring fr
Por qué regresan viejas discusiones y autores que indagan sobreel capitalismo y el socialismo hoy en día. Dólar blue hoy: a cuánto cotiza este domingo 29 de agosto