the what probable cause? and here, apart from the fact that that conversation is very difficult because fisa warrants and everything that flow from them are classified, now you get into the question of probable cause. why was that warrant for whatever it was awarded and what does that mean? if they were in fact monitoring somebody or someone at trump tower, why? and what is that probable cause? if he comes there on monday and he doesn t answer this question to your satisfaction, to your colleague s satisfaction, what would happen then? well, you know, hopefully he s got an alternative other than coming before us and saying i can t talk about it. because if he does that and you ve heard senator graham and senator mccain, you ve heard devin nunes and adam over t course of the last week or . e next word you would hear is subpoena. dhaz director comey with all do respect, you made a decision to talk about an ongoing investigation prior to the last election because you felt it was in th