Though raised in Brooklyn, actor turned producer/director Danny A. Abeckaser was born in Israel. Unfortunately, that birthright isn’t enough to lend authenticity to “The Engineer,” which feels very much like an American B-movie stab at turning Israeli anti-terrorist operations of 30 years ago into formulaic action fodder — without much action, even. A miscast Emile …
Starring Emile Hirsch, Danny A. Abeckaser’s 'The Engineer' dramatizes to less-than-compelling effect the hunt for a notorious Palestinian bombmaker.Â
"This is all I fight, brother." Lionsgate has revealed the official trailer for an action thriller film titled The Engineer, the latest from director Danny A. Abeckaser. This is yet another collab between Abeckaser and his writer Kosta Kondilopoulos - they also made I Love Us and this year's Inside Man previously. The film is