hi. come on in. so you re here to pick up adam? he s anxiously waiting. you can just go ahead and sign in here. hit me pretty hard for a while but, you know, you kind of get over it a little bit. it s been pretty rough. i really miss him. she did, too. after being locked up two years, adam will now be free of prison rules. lucky for him, his grandparents have never wavered in their support. for 24 months, they visited every two weeks. hope it does some good for him up here, you know. it got to where we couldn t do nothing with him. we ve had him ever since he was 8 months old. it s been difficult, but it s worth it. i know there s going to be people come do this with us,
people are scared. people don t want to help them or they have given up on them. so, is there anything you guys want to say to one another? i think you guys are doing a lot better as a unit not getting in trouble every day. 18-year-old adam cameros lived on d-9 for six months. today is h last group session. in just a few days, he will be released to the only people who have stuck by him through his life of juvenile crime, his grandparents. i m scared. it s going to be real hard for me because i ve been locked up so long, this is what i really know right here. when i get out, i m going to be able to do whatever i want. it s going to be tempting. the people that s in my life they re going to be do this, do this, come to this party, get drunk with us. i m going to have to say no. it s going to be hard. what have you learned from being locked up in here? it s not cool. what is your purpose when you leave here? get a job, don t come back. if they have a goal in mind, most li
i ve gotten bigger, i guess. well, can t you put them on and pull your shirt down over it? no, i can t. you re going to have to. do you want to wear that out? are you sure you can t no, these are too tight. i just well, go try. i don t want i did try! okay. we ll get you a pair of sweatpants, because that way, you won t be wearing that. after two long years and a teenager back at their side, adam and his grandparents finally leave pendleton. last but not least, michael jones. just a few hours later, michael jones and his family also say their good-byes. but back inside the razor wire fences of pendleton juvenile, justin boggess still faces time behind bars. i m a strong believer everything happens for a reason, and i feel that, you know, if i wouldn t have got locked up, i don t know where i would be. i d either be dead or i know for a fact i wouldn t have my ged. now when i get out, i plan on staying away from the gang