Directed by Sudipto Sen, The Kerala Story focuses on three young women from Kerala, allegedly forcefully converted and recruited to the terrorist outfit ISIS The Kerala Story Box Office Collection Day 17: Adah Sharma s Film Set To Cross Rs 200 Crore Mark, Earns Rs 198.97 Crore in India.
A 10-minute clip uploaded on the British Muslim news website 5Pillars showed Afsar, 35, with a group of demonstrators entering the cinema and causing the film to be paused. The Kerala Story: Muslim Activists Storm Birmingham Cinema Screening of Adah Sharma Starrer, Claims That It Destroys ‘Religious Harmony’.
In a press note, production house Sunshine Pictures said The Kerala Story has touched Rs 200 crore net at the Indian box office and continues to grow across the country. The Kerala Story Crosses the Rs 200 Crore Mark at Indian Box Office.
West Bengal was the first state to ban The Kerala Story, which narrates the ordeal of three women who are trafficked to ISIS camps after being converted to Islam through marriage. The Kerala Story: Adah Sharma Thanks Fans for Making Her Film Trend Amid Controversies.
Helmed by Sudipto Sen and produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, The Kerala Story evoked sharp opposition from Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who called it RSS propaganda . The Kerala Story: Crew Member of the Adah Sharma-Starrer Receives Threat, Mumbai Police Provides Security.