the fall, and corbyn holston, who was 23 year old and you see him pictured there. we ve learned a lot of new information that includes the d a saying, look the four people who were deceased. they now have suspect in that, but there are 30, other people who were shot and there will be justice for those who were injured as well. he talked a little bit about lexi dawdle. it was her 16 year old birthday . she was there, and instead of blowing out the candles and you know, being able to cut the cake, she was actually there beside her brother. as he died. so the headline now two people have been arrested in that mass shooting in dade ville, alabama . we will hear more on this coming up also coming up. the person who is accused of leaking those classified documents. um has gone to court. he s made his appearance and we will have more on what happened there when we come back. the day you get your
laura coats. and this is cnn tonight. to dish no memphis police officers have now been ridley of duty. in the wake of the killing of tyre nichols. we are learning officer preston who, according to memphis police quote, he participated in the initial traffic stop. and the use of a taser, unquote. and another officer who hasn t yet been made. well, they both have been. relieved of their duty. and, three memphis fire department personnel have also been fired over the response to tyree nichols beating seen. this is in addition, everyone, to five police officers have already been, not only relieved of their duties as unfired, but also charged. the da saying, quote, this is an ongoing investigation. we are looking at all individuals and valve in the events. leading up to, during, and
and that is in addition, everyone, to five police officers who have already been not only relieved of their duties, as unfired. but also charged. the da saying, quote, this is an ongoing investigation. we are looking at all individuals involved in the events leading up to, during, and after the beating of tyre nichols. in a moment, we will do a deep dive into this case. the evidence and what it will take to actually prosecute this case. but as a family and a community and a nation more in. the funeral for tyre nichols is now set for this coming wednesday. a funeral for a 29 year old stopped by police and later beaten beyond recognition. just a mere 80 yards from his own home. calling for his mother. the whole thing caught on videos that are still heartbreaking to watch. [inaudible] i am not going to sit here and pretend that every time i
know, generates benefits in alaska, permanent fund for citizens in iraq. it s one way to get rid of the hypocrisy in iraq is to give the ir iraqi people a chance. donald trump is talking openly to the victor goes the spoils. it is a valueless, really gross comment. steve, the fascinating thing about listening to trump in the 2011 discussion with the wall street journal he says, i heard we went in to iraq for the oil. he said it as if that s what president bush was saying. he said, we re doing it for the oil, we re doing it for the oil. and prush wesident bush was ada saying, we are not doing it for the oil. and here s the president now saying, i m thinking of going back in there for the oil. there s a lot of criticisms people can have about why we went in to iraq, the wmd issue and others.