those who labeled him an immigrant and a tax cheat are wrong. we begin this evening with an important lesson in attack politics. a plan no matter how controversial or audatious is useless unless someone is willing to bank roll it. at the moment, no one is willing to pay the estimated $10 million price tag to implement this plan. the defeat of barack hussein obama but think again. i repudiate that effort. i think it is the wrong course for a pack or a campaign. i hope that our campaigns can respectively be about the future and about issues. you heard governor romney there. implementing this campaign. this is about the president s past, more specifically, his two decades of attending the chicago church with the controversial pastor, jeremiah wright. he want us to sing god bless america, no, no, not god bless america, god damn america. that s in the bible, for killing innocent people. now, in the pitch trying to sell this plan to a superpac, gop ad guru wrote, while mu