AcuityAds (NASDAQ:ILLM – Get Rating) is one of 139 public companies in the “Data processing & preparation” industry, but how does it compare to its peers? We will compare AcuityAds to related businesses based on the strength of its profitability, institutional ownership, analyst recommendations, risk, dividends, earnings and valuation. Valuation and Earnings This table compares […]
AcuityAds (NASDAQ:ILLM – Get Rating) is one of 142 publicly-traded companies in the “Data processing & preparation” industry, but how does it contrast to its rivals? We will compare AcuityAds to related businesses based on the strength of its valuation, analyst recommendations, risk, profitability, dividends, earnings and institutional ownership. Risk and Volatility AcuityAds has a […]
AcuityAds Holdings Inc. (TSE:AT – Get Rating) was down 3.3% during trading on Wednesday . The stock traded as low as C$2.29 and last traded at C$2.32. Approximately 74,805 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 52% from the average daily volume of 157,236 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$2.40. Analyst […]
AcuityAds Holdings Inc. (TSE:AT – Get Rating) was up 1.9% during trading on Wednesday . The stock traded as high as C$2.20 and last traded at C$2.18. Approximately 62,842 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 60% from the average daily volume of 157,236 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$2.14. Wall […]
AcuityAds (NASDAQ:ILLM – Get Rating) had its price objective trimmed by TD Securities from C$3.00 to C$2.50 in a report issued on Friday, The Fly reports. Separately, Royal Bank of Canada raised shares of AcuityAds from a sector perform rating to an outperform rating in a report on Friday. AcuityAds Trading Up 6.2 % AcuityAds […]