Resolution Minerals Ltd (ASX:RML) Acuity At-the-Market Subscription Agreement Renewed
FRA:NC3) is pleased to announce it has entered into an At-the-Market Subscription Agreement (ATM) with Acuity Capital. The ATM provides RML with up to $3 million of working capital and standby equity capital over the coming 32-month period. The facility, if utilised, would allow existing funds to be focussed on exploration.
Importantly, RML retains full control of all aspects of the subscription process: having sole discretion as to whether or not to utilise the ATM, the maximum number of shares to be issued, the minimum issue price of shares and the timing of each subscription (if any). There are no requirements on RML to utilise the ATM and RML may terminate the ATM at any time, without cost or penalty. Acuity Capital and the ATM do not place any restrictions at any time on RML raising capital through other methods.