Amrutha Suresh is a well-known person to Malayalis as a contestant on Idea Star Singer. Apart from being a singer, Amrutha, who shines as a presenter, got married to music director Gopi Sundar a year ago. Amrutha often shares photos with Gopi Sundar on social media. All of these are noteworthy. Now a photo shared by both of them is going viral.
Actress Saritha, who shone in Malayalam and other South Indian languages in the 1980s, was a victim of child marriage before she became active in films. Later, she married actor Mukesh, but that relationship failed over time. Sarithas words about her ex-husband in an interview given to a news channel many years ago are now going viral on social media.
Writer and screenwriter Susmesh Chandroth criticises Jude Anthony Josephs 2018 film, which became the fastest ₹100 crore-collecting film in Malayalam. 2018 is a politically and creatively miserably failed film. Susmesh Chandroth commented in a Facebook post that the script of the film could have focused on the will and leadership of the state government that managed the flood at that time.