Actress Gauahar Khan claimed on Monday that she finally got to cast her vote after facing a lot of 'difficulty' at the polling centre in Mumbai."Yes, finally I have done it. Humne vote kardiya. I want to tell you that no matter how .
Chaos at Gauahar Khan s son s birthday party, decoration ruined - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
Actress Gauahar Khan has shared a rib-tickling video discussing the experience of every new mother.Gauahar took to Instagram and shared a reel.In the video, the sleepy actress is seen lying down on the couch while the nanny takes her baby .
Mumbai: Actress Gauahar Khan on Tuesday shared a mirror selfie, flaunting her Ramadan glow. Ramadan is observed by Muslims as a month of fasting, prayer,