Actor Nani, who was last seen in Shyam Singha Roy , will essay a rustic role with a rural backdrop in Dasara .The makers, on Sunday, released the first-look poster with the title Spark Of Dasara .The boisterous, unrecognisable avatar .
Actor Nani took to his social media handles to release the teaser of Sree Vishnu s upcoming political thriller titled Bhala Thandanana ."Happy to launch the teaser of #BhalaThandhanana A very talented team :) Wish you guys a huge .
Actor Nani's latest movie 'Shyam Singha Roy' emerged as a commercial success when it premiered in theatres in December, receiving positive reviews from fans. It continued winning hearts when it premiered on OTT a few days ago, emerging as a 'digital blockbuster'. A section of the audience, however, felt the story was predictable and did not really offer anything fresh. So, is