Actor Karanvir Bohra is fascinated by the intricate plots and unexpected turns his character Samar is bringing in the show 'Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum'.The story now sees Damayanti (Kitu Gidwani) claiming that Swatilekha (Prerna Wanvari) is the .
The story now sees Damayanti (Kitu Gidwani) claiming that Swatilekha (Prerna Wanvari) is the epitome of what a Barot family daughter-in-law should be and convinces her to marry her second son Raghavendra (Aabhaas Mehta). Additionally, Samar, portrayed by Karanvir, has been successful in breaching the palace gates through Raghavendra s friendship, and he has a masterplan in his mind that will create tension in the Barot household.Kara
Actor Karanvir Bohra is all set to enter the show 'Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum', starring Jay Bhanushali and Tina Datta. He will be seen in a negative light yet again, which he says he does best. |