Actor Guneet Sharma s character Amrik in Punjabi show Tere Dil Vich Rehan De has been getting much love from the audience. After six months, the show finally wrapped up last week.Speaking on the same, Guneet says: "I m overwhelmed with .
Actor Guneet Sharma is surely having a gala time with his family in Punjab these days, courtesy his current show Tere Dil Vich Rehan De .It is set is in Punjab due to which he is able to spend quality time with his beloved family members.As .
Actor Guneet Sharma, who is known for his shows like Hero: Gayab Mode On and Alladin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga , is all set to play the character of a simple and soft-hearted man in Tere Dil Vich Rehn De .Talking about his character, Guneet .
Mumbai, Nov 22 (IANS) Actor Guneet Sharma, who is known for his shows like 'Hero: Gayab Mode On' and 'Alladin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga', is all set to play the