have, democrats celebrate mother sat day ? exporting your is all in his country. the question is whether joe on his truck or letter o brien has been bought and paid forfo by the chinese government andothers . yet in america doesn t seem to give a damn. there are certainly things and the attorney general of the tunited states is absolutely silent .we got democrats that have an held grand jury after grand jury. . special counsel in washington dc with two grand jury s takedown.c. and meanwhile in the oval office is the same as in the united states. with more times he and his family that any president has ever had and people are wondering on ms and on the public payroll is entirely effectively welfare recipients, how does he have mansion in wilmington delaware? is oceanfront home of ? what is going on here? let s thought bethis because the house over me as a fantastic job extremely hadifficult circumstances and a truncated periodan time in getting to some of this information and
a voice for everyone. you know, we re big, small talkre, green, blue, yellow, whatever we are. there s not one voice.vo so just because thatice. actor doesn t want to do that and he s been fortunate. he s a great actor , don tas an get me wrong. you know, he was an elf and he didn t play an elfelhe didn . ie but there is little people out there that play elves, that play leprechaun, that doit s t all that. but it s their choice to say, yeheir cs, no. tha you know, it s not that all little people are actors eitherl little. you know, there s doctors, lawyers, veterinarians, teachers, mechanics,but th everything. but the little people that e little choose to work in this industry should have that choice for a role. not have someone take it awa, no and be the voice that, oh, you know, we shouldn t do that anymore. tdo you agree with your mothere let s be honest. yeahe with i just think that whente peter dinklage said he had to say that he is not the leader for all of us, so i don t agr
exists to take out republicans and democrats these days is the biden family create more than 20 companies have received 10 million fromce foreign nationals while joe biden served as vice president . almost 20 of thesel companies are transactions. people set of transactions really for confidentiality purposes. let s say a famous actor and afamous actor wants to buy a piece of property, his family there . that actor doesn t want people tracking down his address through him and his family so lthe law allows his very set up what s called a llc n so they don t have to put their nameno out there in the public record but sets up 20 of these things for money to bet laundered through in order to distribute it to nonmembers of their family