Full schedule of PHS student activities planned for fall
Posted by Angela Denning | May 24, 2021
Wrestlers, runners, and other high school athletes have been traveling to competitions this year with Covid protocols in place. That’s likely to be the case this fall too.
In a report to the school board, Petersburg’s Activities Director Jaime Cabral said student travel will be different in the fall like it has been this spring but a lot is scheduled to happen anyway.
“We’ve made our schedules just in case so we wanted to make sure we had dates and everything put up,” Cabral said. “So we have scheduled honor music already for the fall. We have scheduled 2022 Art Fest, we have schedule 2022 Music Fest. It’s on the calendar so if you need information about when those are, they’re up there. When is region basketball, it’s on there, state basketball, all that stuff…we’re looking at calendars in April 2022 already.”